
it is a few utilities that has to do with the theme colors.

Background theme color #

by adding .n-bg class will change the background color to theme color.

<div class="n-bg" style="height: 100px;">
it is not visible since it is the body theme color but in some cases you will need it.
it is not visible since it is the body's theme color but in some cases you will need it.
Background theme intensify color #

by adding .n-bg-intense class will change the background color to theme color.

<div class="n-bg-intense" style="height: 100px;> </div>
Text theme color #

by adding .n-text-color class will change the text color although the body itself has the text color but in some cases in some element it is not applied.

<a class="n-text-color" href='#' >text color </a>
text color
Text theme dim color #

by adding .n-text-dim-color class it will change the color into a dimmer theme text color, and by applying .n-text-hover class beside it will hange the text color into the original theme text color.

<a class="n-text-dim-color" href='#' >
text dim color
<a class="n-text-dim-color n-text-hover" href='#' >
text dim color with hover
text dim color
text dim color with hover
Border color #

by adding .n-border-color class will change the border color in to theme border color.

<div class="n-border-color" style="height: 100px; border: 1px solid red"></div>
Bordered #

by adding .n-bordered class will add theme border around the element with 1px width.

<div class="n-bordered" style="height: 100px;"></div>

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